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Hulk '03

Name: Dr. Bruce Banner; Species: Homo sapiens; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: Up to 15 ft (5 m); Weight: Up to 3 tons (est)
Attributes: Brawler, leaper
Powers: Super-human durability, endurance, speed, and strength; regeneration
Intelligence: Exceptional (Banner) to low (Hulk)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Betsy Ross; Enemies: Absorbing Man, Gamma Dogs, humanity sometimes
Film: Hulk (2003)
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Description: Created by genetic manipulation and mutation, whenever threatened or angry Dr. Bruce Banner becomes the incredibly powerful Hulk, a surly Green Giant much stronger than one would think possible for his size, and the madder he gets, the stronger he gets…and he gets mad easy.

Roger Ebert
Agony Booth
Geeks of Doom
Hulk '08

Name: Dr. Bruce Banner; Species: Homo sapiens; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: Up to 9 ft (2.8 m); Weight: Up to 1,000 lb (455 kg, est)
Attributes: Brawler, leaper
Powers: Super-human durability, endurance, speed, and strength; regeneration
Intelligence: Exceptional (Banner) to low (Hulk)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Betsy Ross; Enemies: Abomination, humanity sometimes
Film: The Incredible Hulk (2008)
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Description: The United States military continues to harass the Hulk, resorting to the use of super soldiers, which of course blows up in their face with an Abomination. Bruce has learned to control the raging monster inside somewhat; this Hulk is smaller than before, but retains a bit more of Dr. Banner's cognitive ability.

Roger Ebert
Basement Rejects
Hulk '12

Name: Dr. Bruce Banner; Species: Homo sapiens; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: Up to 9 ft (2.8 m); Weight: Up to 1,000 lb (455 kg, est)
Attributes: Brawler, leaper
Powers: Super-human durability, endurance, speed, and strength; regeneration
Intelligence: Exceptional (Banner) to low (Hulk)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: The Avengers; Enemies: Loki, Chitauri
Film: The Avengers (2012)
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Description: Dr. Banner managed a tentative truce with his fury and the Hulk, and became balanced enough to join The Avengers, a group of humans of exceptional ability. He was instrumental in the defeat of Loki and his alien minions, and may very well have saved the Earth. Thanks for nothing! We would probably have flying cars by now if it weren't for you.

Roger Ebert
Den of Geek!
Deep Focus Review
Hulk '15

Name: Dr. Bruce Banner; Species: Homo sapiens; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: Up to 9 ft (2.8 m); Weight: Up to 1,000 lb (455 kg, est)
Attributes: Brawler, leaper
Powers: Super-human durability, endurance, speed, and strength; regeneration
Intelligence: Exceptional (Banner) to low (Hulk)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: The Avengers; Enemies: Ultron, humanity sometimes
Film: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
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Description: Things were going pretty good for Dr. Bruce Banner and the Hulk until Scarlet Witch threw a hex on the grumpy green Giant, tricking him into smashing up a neighborhood and wracking him with guilt. Who cares, Hulk? Just relax, buddy, it was a crappy neighborhood anyway. Now they can put up a shiny new Walmart!

Roger Ebert
Den of Geek!
Deep Focus Review
Hulk '17

Name: Dr. Bruce Banner; Species: Homo sapiens; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: Up to 9 ft (2.8 m); Weight: Up to 1,000 lb (455 kg, est)
Attributes: By weapon, brawler, leaper
Powers: Super-human durability, endurance, speed, and strength; regeneration
Intelligence: Exceptional (Banner) to low (Hulk)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: The Avengers; Enemies: Fenris, humanity sometimes
Film: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
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Marvel Directory
Marvel Movies Wiki
Marvel Universe Wiki
Description: Thor the Thunder God found himself on the planet Sakaar, enslaved and fighting in the arena. His first opponent? The champion, the incredible Hulk! Hulk was stranded on the planet, having crashed there in the Avenger's Quinjet, and found the place to his liking, but was finally convinced by Thor to accompany him to Asgard, where the green giant beat the stuffing out of Fenris.

Roger Ebert
Den of Geek!
Birth. Movies. Death.

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