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wiki:jaws (view original)

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Jaws '75

Species: Carcharodon carcharias; Type: Natural
Length: 25 ft (8 m); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, tail, marine, water breather
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Crafty
Water Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Jaws (1975)
Favorite Food:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: Humans never found out what this Giant Shark's problem was, but she definitely had one, and she tried to solve it by eating as many people as possible in one summer in Massachusetts (USA). Although only a few feet longer than your "regular" great white shark, she was much more aggressive than her smaller cousins.

Roger Ebert
Deep Focus Review
1,000 Misspent Hours
Jaws '78

Species: Carcharodon carcharias; Type: Natural
Length: 25 ft (8 m); Weight: 6 tons (estimated)
Attributes: Bite, tail, marine, water breather
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Crafty
Water Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Jaws 2 (1978)
Favorite Food:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: A few years later after the first Jaws attacks, another Huge Shark decides to visit the tourist community and fill up; she was so hungry, she even ate a helicopter!
1,000 Misspent Hours
Jaws '83

Species: Carcharodon carcharias; Type: Natural
Length: 35 ft (11 m); Weight: 17 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, tail, marine, water breather
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Crafty
Water Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Jaws 3-D (1983)
Favorite Food:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: A dedicated mother, this larger-than-ever Jaws attacked SeaWorld (Florida, USA) after they had the audacity to imprison her child, who died in their care. How is that place still open?
1,000 MIsspent Hours
Jaws '87

Species: Carcharodon carcharias; Type: Natural
Length: 25 ft (8 m); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, tail, marine, water breather
Powers: Hearty roar
Intelligence: Crafty
Water Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Jaws: The Revenge (1987)
Favorite Food:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: This Giant Shark did her best to avenge her fallen comrades of the sea, devouring many evil humans before finally going to her eternal reward in Shark heaven, where there are no hooks, harpoons, pointy boats, electrical cables, or explosives.

Roger Ebert
1,000 Misspent Hours

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