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Type: Alien guard robot
Height: 9 ft (2.7 m, est); Weight: 1,100 lb (500 kg, est)
Basic Features: Invulnerable armor
Advanced Features: Disintegration ray, interstellar travel via star ship
Intelligence: Basic programming
Land Speed: Slow
Mech Level: Two (middleweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Klaatu; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Landfall in the:
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Description: Gort was the robot defender of the noble alien visitor to Earth, Klaatu. As is the American custom, Klaatu was shot immediately upon arrival in Washington, D.C. Gort responded succinctly by erasing a small portion of the thin blue line before returning his charge to the ship and departing. No flying cars for you, chumps!
Gone with the Twins


Designation: Genetically Organized Robotic Technology; Type: Alien destroyer robot
Height: 28 ft (9 m, est); Weight: 17 tons (est)
Basic Features: Composed of billions of nanobots
Advanced Features: Disintegration ray, electronics control, electromagnetic pulse, flight, interstellar travel via star ship
Intelligence: Advanced programming
Air Speed: Fast (nanobot cloud)
Mech Level: Five (super heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Klaatu; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)
Landfall in the:
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Villains Wiki
Description: Gort came back to visit with Klaatu again, and this time was allowed to destroy even more of civilization. But not enough… never enough. The nanobots Gort was composed of could disintegrate whatever they touched, and use that released energy to replicate.
Roger Ebert

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