ANT, Giant

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Giant Ant '54

Species: Unclassified Formicidae; Type: Mutant
Length: 20 ft (6 m, est); Weight: 5 tons (est)
Attributes: Mandibles, venomous sting, burrower, wall crawler, subterranean
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal (hive mind)
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): Antennae
Allies: Ants; Enemies: Not Ants
Film: Them! (1954)
Made in the:
Additional Data:

Description: Since even small ants can be dangerous, a nest of mutants the size of a car can be a real incident. The largest Giant Ants encountered as of yet were in New Mexico (USA). This infestation was suppressed with flame throwers and machine guns. These insects are excellent burrowers and live underground, only leaving their nest to forage for food.
1,000 Misspent Hours

Giant Ant '77

Species: Unclassified Formicidae; Type: Super-powered mutant
Length: 10 ft (3 m, est); Weight: 1,100 lb (500 kg, est)
Attributes: Mandibles, venomous sting, burrower, wall crawler, subterranean
Powers: Pheromones
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Ants; Enemies: Not Ants
Film: Empire of the Ants (1977)
From the:
Additional Data:
Description: In the Florida (USA) swamps years later another Giant Ant nest was encountered. These mutated insects were smaller, but just as deadly as their predecessors. The army was ruled by a queen of exceptional ability, a master of chemical control through pheromones; she could even enthrall humans as drones to feed and protect her colony.
Cool Ass Cinema
1,000 Misspent Hours
Giant Ant '15

Species: Unclassified Formicidae; Type: Mutant
Length: 3 ft (0.9 m, est); Weight: 30 lb (14 kg, est)
Attributes: Mandibles, wall crawler, burrower, subterranean
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal (hive mind)
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Ants, Ant-Man and family; Enemies: Unknown
Film: Ant-Man (2015)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Description: Turned into something about the size of a dog by Ant-Man during his battle with Yellowjacket, this critter took to the family quickly, and is surely not waiting for them to fall asleep so that she can lay eggs in them.
Roger Ebert
Giant Ant '18

Species: Unclassified Formicidae; Type: Mutant
Length: 3 ft (0.9 m, est); Weight: 30 lb (14 kg, est)
Attributes: Mandibles, wall crawler, burrower, subterranean
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Ants, Ant-Man and family; Enemies: Unknown
Film: Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Description: The Giant Ant appears to have adapted to family life at the Langs' home, making herself comfy on the couch and picking up a drum riff. It beats spending every waking hour foraging for food for the hive, surely.
Roger Ebert

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