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Tall Grey*

Species: Unclassified humanoid; Type: Alien
Height: 10 ft (3 m, est); Weight: 375 lb (171 kg, est)
Attributes: Sociable, good bass
Powers: Access to advanced tech, interstellar travel via star ship
Intelligence: Exceptional
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Greys, humanity; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Landfall in the:
Additional Data:
Description: These friendly aliens buzzed Earth for a bit until they got bored with it, then they landed and threw a pretty good free concert with a light show and everything. Bonus: No Mustang Sally!
Roger Ebert
Short Grey*

Species: Unclassified humanoid; Type: Alien
Height: 3 ft (0.9 m, est); Weight: 40 lb (18 kg, est)
Attributes: Little cuties
Powers: Access to advanced tech, interstellar travel via star ship
Intelligence: Exceptional
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Greys, humanity; Enemies: Unknown
Film: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Landfall in the:
Additional Data:
Description: These little guys piled out of their star ship like Killer Klowns out of a Klown Kar as soon as it landed; after such a long trip they really had to use the facilities.
Roger Ebert

*The official name of this monster is not known.

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