Type: Assault robot
Height: 8 ft (2.4 m); Weight: 1 ton (est)
Basic Features: Armored, treads
Advanced Features: Two .50 cal miniguns, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Land Speed: Moderate
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: The very first Terminator robot, the T-1 was designed to dominate infantry on the battlefield with dual miniguns (rotary cannons). These machines were used by Skynet to seize control of the Cyber Research Systems complex, and, of course, kill all humans. The T-1 was the prototype for the Hunter Killer Tank.
Dark Horizons
Hunter Killer Tank '84
AKA: HK Tank; Type: Attack robot
Height: 32 ft (10 m, est); Weight: 60 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, treads
Advanced Features: Two plasma cannons, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Land Speed: Moderate
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Terminator (1984)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: The HK Tanks are the fire support for Skynet, slowly and surely rumbling through the ruins whilst providing cover fire for the Terminator infantry units. Although it is heavily armored, like most tanks, the treads remain a vulnerability.
1,000 Misspent Hours
Hunter Killer Tank '91
Type: Attack robot
Height: 32 ft (10 m, est); Weight: 60 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, treads
Advanced Features: Two plasma cannons, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Land Speed: Moderate
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: Say what you want about Skynet, no one can deny that the program knows how to make a shiny tank robot. Camouflage is for humans.
Monkeys Fighting Robots
Hunter Killer Drone
Type: Aerial weapons system
Wingspan: 6 ft (1.8 m); Weight: 300 lb (136 kg, est)
Basic Features: Lightly armored, VTOL flight
Advanced Features: Two machine guns, two missile pods, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Air Speed: Moderate
Mech Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: These autonomous Drones were the first aerial units employed by Skynet. They were pretty simple minded, opening fire on anything that moved. This was the prototype for the Hunter Killer Aerial.
Dark Horizons
Hunter Killer Aerial '84
AKA: HK Aerial; Type: Aerial weapons system
Length: 44 ft (13 m, est); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, VTOL flight
Advanced Features: Plasma cannon, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Air Speed: Fast
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Terminator (1984)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: The air support for Skynet, the HK Aerial patrols the wasteland seeking human rebels to vaporize with its plasma cannon. That's what it does. THAT'S ALL IT DOES.
1,000 Misspent Hours
Hunter Killer Aerial '91
Type: Aerial weapons system
Length: 44 ft (13 m, est); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, VTOL flight
Advanced Features: Plasma cannon, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Air Speed: Fast
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: There are many variations of this aircraft in use by Skynet, assigned to a variety of tasks. The majority seen in combat appear to fill the light attack role, similar to that of the Boeing Apache helicopter of today.
Monkeys Fighting Robots
Hunter Killer Aerial '09
Type: Aerial weapons system
Length: 44 ft (13 m, est); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, VTOL flight
Advanced Features: Plasma cannon, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Air Speed: Fast
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator Salvation (2009)
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Terminator Wiki
Description: The Hunter Killer Aerial continues the long and proud American tradition of flying around and blowing stuff up. The plasma cannon has 360-degree field of fire.
Roger Ebert
Hunter Killer Aerial '15
Type: Aerial weapons system
Length: 44 ft (13 m, est); Weight: 6 tons (est)
Basic Features: Armored, VTOL flight
Advanced Features: Two plasma cannons, Spider Tank, sensors
Intelligence: Basic programming (networked)
Air Speed: Fast
Mech Level: One (welterweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Skynet; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Terminator Genisys (2015)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Terminator Wiki
Description: This is the most well armed of the HK Aerials faced by the human resistance, equipped with two plasma cannons and its very own Spider Tank.
Roger Ebert