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Mothra Leo Larva

Species: Unclassified demigod moth larva; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Length: 82 ft (25 m); Weight: 3,000 tons
Attributes: Bite, amphibious; Powers: Mega breast cannon, shock web spray; super durability and endurance; invisibility, monster telepathy, transform into Mothra Leo imago
Intelligence: Average
Land Speed: 18 mph (40 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Three (light heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Mothra, Twin Faeries, humanity; Enemies: Desghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra (モスラ, 1996)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Rodan's Roost
Description: The super-powered son of Mothra, Mothra Leo did his best to protect his mother from the rampaging Hydra, Desghidorah, but he was not strong enough yet to save the day in his larval form. He did very well though, considering he was a newborn.

Toho Kingdom
Million Monkey Theater
Mothra Leo '96
Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 174 ft (53 m); Length: 79 ft (24 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight; Powers: Cross heat laser beams, excel pile load, jade bolts, mega breast cannon, reflective green powder, sparkling pyre road, sun strike buster; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Mothra Leos, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds)
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Mothra, Twin Faeries, humanity; Enemies: Desghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra (モスラ, 1996)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Rodan's Roost

Description: Mothra Leo is truly an offensive powerhouse with many abilities including: Triple rainbow cross heat laser beams from the forehead, jade bolts from the wings, a mega breast cannon from the thorax, reflective green powder from the wings that weaken and cause pain to other monsters, excel pile load (flying straight up emitting jade rings), sparkling pyre road maneuver (blue energy columns splitting the earth), sun strike buster (releasing whirlpool of powder culminating in an emerald energy blast from center), and the ability to split into thousands of foot-long Mothra Leos. Geez.
Toho Kingdom
Million Monkey Theater

Mothra Leo '97
Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 174 ft (53 m); Length: 79 ft (24 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight; Powers: Cross heat laser beams, excel pile load, jade bolts, mega breast cannon, reflective green powder, sparkling pyre road, sun strike buster; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Mothra Leos, Rainbow Mothra form, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds)
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Twin Faeries, humanity; Enemies: Dagahra
Film: Rebirth of Mothra II (モスラ2 海底の大決戦, 1997)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Rodan's Roost
Description: Mothra Leo saves the planet from the destructive sea monster Dagahra and her horde of mutant starfish monsters by evolving into his new Rainbow Mothra and Aqua Mothra forms. All that destructive energy used against monster kind, it's a real damn shame.
Million Monkey Theater
Rainbow Mothra '97
Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 174 ft (53 m); Length: 79 ft (24 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight; Powers: Cross heat rainbow laser beams, jade bolts, mineral chest beam, reflective rainbow powder, sparkling rainbow buster energy blasts, pressure field that repels energy attacks, levitation field; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Rainbow Mothras, Aqua Mothra form, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds)
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Twin Faeries, humanity; Enemies: Dagahra
Film: Rebirth of Mothra II (モスラ2 海底の大決戦, 1997)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Rodan's Roost

Description: Mothra Leo transforms into Rainbow Mothra to beat Dagahra. Abilities include: Triple rainbow cross heat rainbow laser beams from forehead, jade bolts from the wings, a mineral chest beam from the thorax, reflective rainbow powder from the wings that paralyze and cause pain to other monsters, sparkling rainbow buster energy blasts from wings, emit a pressure field that deflects energy beams, emit a levitation field that can lift enemy monsters, the ability to split into thousands of tiny Rainbow Mothras (12 inches or 31 cm), and lastly, the the ability to transform into Aqua Mothra.
Million Monkey Theater

Aqua Mothra '97

Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 98 ft (30 m); Length: 79 ft (24 m); Weight: 3,500 tons
Attributes: Fins, amphibious, flight; Powers: Crescent dash beam, cross heat pulser beams, pressure field, tractor beam wake; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Aqua Mothras, transform into Rainbow Mothra, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds); Water Speed: 200 knots
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Twin Faeries, humanity; Enemies: Dagahra
Film: Rebirth of Mothra II (モスラ2 海底の大決戦, 1997)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Rodan's Roost
Description: Taken into the water and unable to best Dagahra in her own element, Rainbow Mothra transforms into Aqua Mothra. Abilities as follows: Crescent dash beam from antennae, triple cross heat pulser beams from forehead, a pressure field, a tractor beam wake when leaving the water that can lift objects, and the ability to split into thousands of 1-ft-long (30.5 cm) Aqua Mothras.
Million Monkey Theater
Rainbow Mothra '98
Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 164 ft (50 m); Length: 82 ft (25 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight; Powers: Cross heat rainbow laser beams, jade bolts, mineral chest beam, reflective rainbow powder, sparkling rainbow buster energy blasts, pressure field that repels energy attacks, levitation field; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Rainbow Mothras, Aqua Mothra form, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds)
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Faerie Twins, Humanity; Enemies: Grand King Ghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Description: Rainbow Mothra answers the the call to protect humankind from their own hubris yet again, putting up a desperate fight against the awesome power of the Space Hydra, the one, the only King Ghidorah!
Aqua Mothra '98
Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 98 ft (30 m); Length: 79 ft (24 m); Weight: 3,500 tons
Attributes: Fins, amphibious, flight; Powers: Crescent dash beam, cross heat pulser beams, pressure field, tractor beam wake; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, disbursement into tiny Aqua Mothras, transform into Rainbow or Light Speed Mothra, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds); Water Speed: 200 knots
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Faerie Twins, Humanity; Enemies: Grand King Ghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Description: The ever-resourceful Rainbow Mothra uses his Aqua Mothra shape to leapfrog into the even faster Light Speed Mothra form. He doesn't even have a color timer, totally not fair.
Light Speed Mothra

Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 98 ft (30 m); Length: 82 ft (25 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight
Powers: Super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, transform back into Aqua Mothra, interstellar and time travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Incalculable
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Faerie Twins, Humanity; Enemies: Grand King Ghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Description: Faced with the "evil" Super Hydra, Grand King Ghidorah, Rainbow Mothra uses his Aqua Mothra form to morph into Light Speed Mothra and travel back in time to fight the monster, when he was much younger and less powerful. That's just crazy.
Armor Mothra

Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 164 ft (50 m); Length: 82 ft (25 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Razor wings, amphibious, flight; Powers: Armor heat laser, transcending fate; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, transform into Eternal Mothra, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Faerie Twins, Humanity; Enemies: Grand King Ghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom

Description: After millions of years encased in a cocoon, Rainbow Mothra emerges as Armor Mothra to defeat Grand King Ghidorah once and for all. Now covered in armor with razor-sharp wings, Armor Mothra can fire an armor heat laser from his forehead, and after building up enough energy, he can perform the unstoppable transcending fate maneuver.

Eternal Mothra

Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Super-powered kaiju
Wingspan: 164 ft (50 m); Length: 82 ft (25 m); Weight: 5,900 tons
Attributes: Wings, amphibious, flight
Powers: Healing, resurrection; super durability and endurance; monster telepathy, interstellar travel
Intelligence: Average
Air Speed: Mach 15.5 (excel dash of Mach 85 for 65 seconds)
Kaiju Level: Four (heavyweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Faerie Twins, Humanity; Enemies: Grand King Ghidorah
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Description: After years of defending humankind from those mean old monsters, Mothra Leo transforms into his final beneficent form, presumably retiring to a life of well-deserved peace. If his life cycle follows that of a Moth, he'll die right after mating. Kind of a bummer.

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