Giant Rat '69
Species: Rattus norvegicus; Type: Mutant
Length: 12 ft with tail (3 m, est); Weight: 110 lb (50 kg)
Attributes: Bite, claws
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Rats; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Latitude Zero (緯度0大作戦, 1969)
Discovered by:
Additional Data:
Toho Kingdom
Live Science
Description: These generously-proportioned mutant Rats were sent to destroy the island paradise of Latitude Zero by the twisted genius Dr. Malic. They did okay for Rats, but he could have given them axes or something.
Toho Kingdom
1,000 Misspent Hours
Giant Rat '76
Species: Rattus norvegicus; Type: Mutant
Length: 8 ft with tail (2.4 m, est); Weight: 88 lb (40 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Rats; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Food of the Gods (1976)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Live Science
Description: Exposed to the Food of the Goods, these rodents didn't change their behavior at all, but their prey options expanded considerably along with their more prodigious proportions.
Roger Ebert
Cool Ass Cinema
Giant Rat '82
Species: Rattus rattus; Type: Mutant
Length: 5 ft with tail (1.5 m, est); Weight: 22 lb (10 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Rats; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Deadly Eyes (1982)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Description: These fat little buggers got into a silo of grain pumped full of steroids, but then the silos burned down. A Rat's got to eat, and they found Canadians to be an adequate substitute.
Cool Ass Cinema
Rat Man*
Species: Unclassified Rattus; Type: Mutant
Height: 6 ft (1.8 m, est); Weight: 180 lb (82 kg, est)
Attributes: Humanoid rat
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Average
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Rat people; Enemies: Unknown
Film: Rats: Night of Terror (Rats - Notte di terrore, 1984)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Description: You better like Rats, because Rats were around long before humans figured out how to wipe their own ass, and scientists are genetically engineering Rats to survive virtually any future apocalyptic scenario. Never fear! Just in case you don't like small rodents, there will quite likely be exterminator Giant Rats to gas them into submission.
House of Self-Indulgence
Rodent of Unusual Size
AKA: R.O.U.S.; Species: Unclassified Rattus; Type: Natural
Length: 9 ft with tail (2.7 m, est); Weight: 150 lb (68 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Princess Bride (1987)
From the:
Additional Data:
Description: Some of the uninitiated claim that they don't exist, but others won't settle for anything less than a Rodent of Unusual Size. Bonus: They eat people.
Roger Ebert
Giant Rat '89
Species:Rattus norvegicus; Type: Mutant
Length: 8 ft with tail (2.4 meters, est); Weight: 88 lb (40 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Rats; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Food of the Gods II (1989)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Description: Do Rats eat the Food of the Gods? Why yes, yes they do. They also enjoy hanging out with their friends, meeting new people, and synchronized swimming.
The Bloody Pit of Horror
Species: Rattus norvegicus; Type: Super-powered mutant
Height: 4.5 ft (1.4 m, est); Weight: 75 lb (34 kg, est)
Attributes: Ninjutsu
Powers: Super durability and strength
Intelligence: Average
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: TMNT, humanity; Enemies: The Shredder, Foot Clan
Film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
Description: Splinter is not just a talking Giant Rat, he's also a master of ninjutsu and the sensei (teacher) of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Roger Ebert
Species: Unclassified Rattus; Type: Super-powered monster
Height: 8 ft (2.4 m, est); Weight: 700 lb (318 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: Blue healing goop, possibly immortal
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Dark (1993)
Additional Data:
Description: Elefaria lives in a graveyard, doing her part for the environment by consuming the corpses. Of course, humans got all worked up about it, and hunted the poor creature down without regard for its important role in the ecosystem.
Sex Machine
Species: Unclassified vampire; Type: Supernatural
Length: Up to 9 ft with tail (2.7 m, est); Weight: 200 lb (91 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws
Powers: Super strength; regeneration, shape shifter, undead, vampiric
Intelligence: Average
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): Holy water, sunlight
Allies: Vampires; Enemies: Humanity
Film: From Dusk till Dawn (1996)
From the:
Additional Data:
Description: Somewhere in Mexico there is a dive bar staffed by Vampires. At times, one of the patrons becomes infected, as Sex Machine can attest to. Once a biker of ill repute, Mr. Machine took to vampirism quickly, showing off some unnatural ability by shape shifting into a greasy Rat Man.
Roger Ebert