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Tao Tei

Species: Unclassified predatory reptile; Type: Alien
Length: 12 ft (4 m, est); Weight: 1,400 lb (636 kg, est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tough hide, leaper
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal (hive mind)
Land Speed: Fast
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Tao Tei; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Great Wall (长城, 2016)
Landfall in:
Additional Data:
Description: The normies think the Great Wall was built to keep out the Mongols, but we know the truth! It was to keep out the hungry hordes of Tao Tei that stampeded into China every 60 years.
Roger Ebert
Tao Tei Defender

Species: Unclassified predatory reptile; Type: Alien
Height: 18 ft at shoulder (6 m, est); Weight: 12 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tough hide, armored frill
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Crafty (hive mind)
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Tao Tei; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Great Wall (长城, 2016)
Landfall in:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: The Defenders are significantly larger, and much fewer in number, than the horde of Tao Tei. They guard the Queen herself, using their armored frills in formation to shield her from arrows and explosives.
Roger Ebert
Tao Tei Queen

Species: Unclassified predatory reptile; Type: Alien
Height: 18 ft at shoulder (6 m, est); Weight: 8 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tough hide, armored frill
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low (hive mind)
Land Speed: Moderate
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Tao Tei; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Great Wall (长城, 2016)
Landfall in:
Additional Data:
Villains Wiki
Description: The Tao Tei horde exists to feed the Queen as much meat as possible, so that she can make more Tao Tei to add to the gang for the next hunting season.
Roger Ebert

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