Tyrannosaurus Rex '25
AKA: Tyrannosaur; Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Brachiosaurus, Pteranodon, Styracosaurus, humanity
Film: The Lost World (1925)
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: The king of the Venezuelan lost plateau, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was the undisputed top predator and would eat anything he took a fancy to, whenever he took a fancy to it. Which was most of the time, really.
Black Hole Reviews
1,000 Misspent Hours
Tyrannosaurus Rex '56
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Triceratops
Film: The Animal World (1956)
From the:
Additional Data:
Prehistoric Wildlife
Description: This individual was observed hunting an apparently healthy Triceratops in 1956; this was the desperate act of a starving animal, as the Triceratops is a very dangerous meal.
Unseen Films
Tyrannosaurus Rex '57
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Land Unknown (1957)
Discovered by the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Discovered in a hidden valley in the Antarctic by human explorers, this resolute protector drove away the greedy invaders and successfully defended his pest-free paradise. Well done, sir!
Micro-Brewed Reviews
Tyrannosaurus Rex '60
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Brontosaurus, humanity
Film: Dinosaurus! (1960)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: This unlucky animal was wrecked by heavy construction equipment. His offense? Eating meat. Sadly, this is what a Tyrannosaurus Rex does every chance they get.
Parlor of Horror
Apocalypse Later
Tyrannosaurus Rex '69
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: One Million AC/DC (1969)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: A stiff-limbed Tyrannosaurus Rex with unusually prominent fangs, this animal's preferred hunting method was to watch the entrance of the home of some cave people, in hopes of a screaming treat should one pop out.
Shadow's B-Movie Graveyard
Tyrannosaurus Rex '76
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Queen Kong, humanity
Film: Queen Kong (1976)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: This hideously misshapen Tyrannosaurus Rex could not even begin to handle the righteous fury of Queen Kong. Something something scorned something.
Tyrannosaurus Rex '77
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Triceratops, fish, humanity
Film: The Last Dinosaur (1977)
Discovered by the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Although Tyrannosaurs are as a given massive, some isolated individuals have been observed getting a bit too massive. This sturdy animal was the last of his kind in a lush valley hidden in the antarctic, and with no competition at all he truly ate like a king.
Space: 1970
Tyrannosaurus Rex '78
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Rhedosaurus, humanity
Film: Planet of Dinosaurs (1978)
Discovered by the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: This predatory dinosaur was encountered on another planet, perhaps transplanted from Earth long ago. Upon discovering humans, he promptly took great delight in eating them to no end, seeming to prefer them for a meal over his fellow dinosaurs.
Cool Ass Cinema
Million Monkey Theater
Tyrannosaurus Rex '81
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 11+ tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Weed, humanity; Enemies: Unknown
Film: Caveman (1981)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Cavemen found out that this ample Tyrannosaurus Rex was easily trained with good grub and the liberal application of Cannabis indica as needed.
Roger Ebert
Tyrannosaurus Rex '92
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Lost World (1992)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: These predators were worshiped by the natives and fed human sacrifices to keep them happy. These living fossils were found somewhere deep in central Africa (quite possibly the Central African Republic).
WSU Dinofilms
AKA: T-Rex; Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 20 ft (6.1 m); Length: 45 ft (13.7 m); Weight: 9 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Gallimimus, Velociraptors, goats, humanity
Film: Jurassic Park (1993)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Jurassic Wiki
Description: The comely young Rexy escaped from her enclosure and gobbled up some people, but tragically a goat and Velociraptors were lost. Worst of all, the human children escaped.
Roger Ebert
Tyrannosaurus Rex '93
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Carnosaur (1993)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Bred using chickens by the charming Dr. Jane Tiptree, this Tyrannosaurus Rex took after dad rather than mom (a chicken) and decided to clean out the human infestation personally.
The Terrible Claw Reviews
The Great One
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Amazons; Enemies: The rest of humanity
Film: Dinosaur Island (1994)
Discovered by the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Somewhere on a long-lost island there lives a group of Amazons, who sacrifice any men that stumble onto the island to their god, a Tyrannosaurus Rex they call The Great One.
1,000 Misspent Hours
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m); Weight: 9 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Tirano's Claw (티라노의 손톱, 1994)
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Tirano was the king of his jungle, worshiped by the dimwitted primitives as a god on Earth. They fed him frequent sacrifices, but it's really difficult to keep up with the feeding schedule of a Tyrannosaurus, and things got old-school bonkers.
Random Reviews
Tyrannosaurus Rex '95
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Carnosaur 2 (1995)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: This is a critically endangered species, there is no need to attack these precious creatures with construction equipment. Please remain calm, contact your local Humane Society, and duck and cover under your desk until the proper officials arrive to handle the situation.
Exploitation Retrospect
Tyrannosaurus Rex '97
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft (4 m); Length: 43 ft (13.2 m); Weight: 9.7 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: T. Rex; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Jurassic Wiki
Description: This family of T. Rex's suffered greatly at the hands of humans; long story short this buck and his young were kidnapped and brought to San Diego, California (USA). They were both eventually recaptured to be rejoined with the mother at their island home, which was made into a nature preserve for all of the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park.
Roger Ebert
Tyrannosaurus Rex '98
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: The Lost World (1998)
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Deep in the lost world of Mongolia, this professor discovered that Tyrannosaurs are not that into babbling about postgraduate degrees.
The Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Tyrannosaurus Rex '98
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12.3 m); Weight: 7.2 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: King Ghidorah, Triceratops
Film: Rebirth of Mothra III (モスラ 3 キングギドラ来襲, 1998)
Additional Data:
Description: The Tyrannosaurus Rex is used to being the king of the jungle, but when King Ghidorah is around, he's not much more than an entrée.
Tyrannosaurus Rex '01
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft (4 m); Length: 43 ft (13.2 m); Weight: 9.7 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Spinosaurus, humanity
Film: Jurassic Park III (2001)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Jurassic Wiki
Description: This unfortunate young Tyrannosaurus bull fell prey to a lucky Spinosaurus, who managed to snap his neck like a chicken's. Rexy would have tore that Spinosaur up!
Monkeys Fighting Robots
Aztec Rex
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m, est); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: T-Rex, Aztecs; Enemies: Spaniards
Film: Aztec Rex (2007)
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: It's a little known historical fact that a pair of Tyrannosaurs were held in high regard by the Aztecs; at least until the poor beasts were "excommunicated" by Spanish conquistadors.
Million Monkey Theater
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail, leaper
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity, especially Rick Marshall
Film: Land of the Lost (2009)
Discovered by the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Sure, he's Grumpy, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with not being happy all of time, or most of the time, or even some of the time. Grumpy is the natural state of the observant mind. And Grumpy the Tyrannosaurus Rex knows this.
Roger Ebert
Tyrannosaurus Rex '12
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Megalosaurus, humanity
Film: Raptor Ranch (2012)
Made in the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Somewhere in the USA an old man on a remote ranch decided to breed some dinosaurs, and why not? This Tyrannosaurus Rex was one of the largest of the theropods on the ranch, but not the toughest.
Horror News Net
Tyrannosaurus Rex '14
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Dinosaur Island (2014)
Discovered by:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Some stuff happens and you know what? Kids get lost on an island full of dinosaurs, fancy that! Sadly, this brightly colored T-Rex did not get to fill his gullet with human children, but he tried, and that's all that matters.
Australian Arts Review
Tyrannosaurus Rex '14
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Extinction (2014)
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: An expedition is sent deep into the Amazon rain forest to conduct research on rare creatures, and they came across something a little more rare than they bargained for, a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Flickering Myth
Tyrannosaurus Rex '15
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft at hip (4 m); Length: 40 ft (12 m, est); Weight: 9 tons (est)
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Low
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Humanity
Film: Jurassic Prey (2015)
From the:
Additional Data:
University of California, Berkeley
Description: Awakened by an explosion in a mine, this surprisingly well-preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex terrorized some pretty unlucky bank robbers.
Celluloid Terror
Tyrannosaurus Rex '15
Species: Tyrannosaurus rex; Type: Prehistoric
Height: 13 ft (4 m); Length: 43 ft (13.2 m); Weight: 9.7 tons
Attributes: Bite, claws, tail
Powers: None revealed
Intelligence: Animal
Land Speed: 32 mph (52 km/h)
Kaiju Level: Zero (lightweight)
Weakness(es): None revealed
Allies: Unknown; Enemies: Indominus Rex, humanity
Film: Jurassic World (2015)
Made in:
Additional Data:
Jurassic Wiki
Description: As has been previously established, if you build a dinosaur theme park with a Tyrannosaurus Rex in it, don't even think about another mega predator attraction unless you want to watch a bloody fight to the death. There can be only one!
Roger Ebert